Am 5. Oktober wird der Garage Rock-Musiker RON GALLO sein zweites Album "Stardust Birthday Party" bei New West Records / Pias veröffentlichen. Bereits vor wenigen Wochen präsentierte der Musiker vorab "It's All Gonna Be OK", nun zeigt er das Musikvideo zum recht obskuren Track "Always Elsewhere".
"I feel like the song is best summed up by the words in the bridge (which were inspired by Alan Watts and Eckhart Tolle who often speak about the important of the present moment):
As soon as you honor the present moment all unhappiness and struggle dissolve. The meaning of life is just to be alive, it is so plain, and so obvious and so simple and yet everybody rushes around in great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves. Nothing has happened in the past, it happened in the now, nothing will happen in the future, it will happen in the now.
Most of the time we perceive the world, ourselves and others as ideas we have about them rather than what they really are. All of our fear and anxiety stems from speculation about what COULD happen, not what is actually happening here and now. I’ve done this most of my life and still do and the best way I’ve found is to become aware that you are not being aware or present and suddenly you become present, that's what this song is for.
In the video I carry around a box that represents my false sense of “self” or the character I play with no real awareness or interest in anything that is actually happening around me. Which is a dumbed down, literal version of what daily social life is. In the end, I finally set the box down to see what is inside."
"Stardust Birthday Party" ist der Nachfolger des Debütalbums "Heavy Meta", ein "garage rock album whose emphasis on lurid fun doesn't sacrifice depth", wie The Guardian es beschrieb.