
Newsletter KW28

Juli, 2020

Newsletter KW28

Liebe Musikfreunde,

folgend findet ihr wie gewohnt unseren wöchentlichen Rundbrief, natürlich mit der Bitte um Verbreitung. 

Dennis & die Starkult Crew


AIDAN KNIGHT – Neue Single “Rolodex“
ASKING ALEXANDRIA – Unplugged-Version zu "Antisocialist"
CROWN THE EMPIRE – veröffentlichen Anniversary-Album "07102010"/ Banddoku
DANCE GAVIN DANCE – "Afterburner" ab heute physisch erhältlich / Album Release Show Stream am 17.07.
DAVE HAUSE – veröffentlicht Benefiz-Song "Your Ghost"
GRANT LEE PHILLIPS – neue Single ”Gather Up”
THOUSAND BELOW – Neues Video "171 xo"
TRIXSI (LOVE A, HERRENMAGAZIN, FINDUS etc.) – Debüt-Album "Frau Gott" steigt auf Platz 83 der Album-Charts ein


AIDAN KNIGHT – Neue Single Rolodex

Der kanadische Künstler AIDAN KNIGHT stellt mit Rolodex die zweite Single aus seinem am 28.08. erscheinenden, selbstbetitelten Album vor ( Full Time Hobby / Rough Trade).


Aidan über den Song:

“It's a song exploring my intrusive thoughts about relationships and divorce and having kids. What a dark thing to worry about and wonder about and write a song about. I find it's helpful to write and process it, instead of pretending like it's not a thing or it doesn't exist. I had been writing quite a few love songs and this was a good foil for too many sweet sentiments on one record.” Aidan continues, “The rhythm guitar was for another group called Cool Band but I never got around to recording it, so the verse got lifted from that. The chorus melody is an old 35 second demo from 2011. The term Rolodex or Rolodexing is Julia's term (which she heard from her mom) and it roughly translates to: "when you can't turn your mind off and you're running through everything that's wrong over and over again." That happens before bed quite often.”

Vor kurzem erschien mit SIXTEEN STARES die erste Single:


Aidan hat bisher 3 sehr hochgelobte Alben veröffenlicht ‘Versicolour’, ‘Small Reveal’ und ‘Each Other’ und tourte u.a. mit Half Moon Run, Andy Shauf, James Vinent McMorrow, Villagers and Dan Mangan, was seinen Sound ganz gut umschreibt.


ASKING ALEXANDRIA – Unplugged-Version zu "Antisocialist"

ASKING ALEXANDRIA überraschen ihre Fans mit einer Unplugged-Version ihrer Single “Antisocialist“.

Gitarrist Ben Bruce kommentiert:

"Over the years we have been known to release many acoustic versions of our songs from a number of albums. Antisocialist has rapidly become our most successful active rock single of our entire career so we wanted to do something special. Instead of just another “acoustic version” of a song we decided to really strip this one back and try and recreate the song as an unplugged version that lives and breathes its own identity. An unplugged, vulnerable rendition of the song that hopefully allows people to feel like they are in the room with the band whilst we play it. To all of our fans, old and new, we truly hope you enjoy this unique version of Antisocialist as much as we do. We love you.“

Das dazugehörige Video ist hier einsehbar: 

"Antisocialist" (Unplugged-Version) Video

Das Video zu der “Antisocialist“ Album-Version verzeichnet mittlerweile bereits über 4 Millionen Zugriffe:

"Antisocialist" (Album-Version) - Video

Nach dem digitalen Album-VÖ im Mai, erschien nun auch die physische Version des neuen Studioalbums "Like A House On Fire“ auf Sumerian Records. 

ASKING ALEXANDRIA traten erstmals 2008 auf den Plan und blicken auf zwei Gold-Singles, Milliarden Streams und Video-Views sowie auf drei Alben in den Top 10 der Billboard-Charts zurück. Live absolvierte die Band schon Shows mit Acts wie GUNS N’ROSES, GREEN DAY, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, ALICE IN CHAINS und SLIPKNOT.

Der letzte Longplayer (self-titled) erschien 2017 und enthielt u.a. die Singles "Alone In A Room" und "Into The Fire". Die Produktion des neuen Albums leitete Matt Good, der auch schon mit HOLLYWOOD 

UNDEAD und FROM FIRST TO LAST zusammenarbeitete.


CROWN THE EMPIRE – veröffentlichen Anniversary-Album "07102010" / Neuer Song "Everything Breaks" / Banddoku

CROWN THE EMPIRE veröffentlichen - passend zum zehnten Jahrestag ihrer ersten Show - das Release "07102010" via Rise Records. Das Album enthält elf Songs, von denen zehn aus akustischen Neuinterpretation des gesamten Band-Katalogs bestehen. 

Mit "everything breaks" präsentiert die Band zudem eine brandneue Nummer.

Stream - "07102010"

Zusätzlich stellt das Quartett die Doku "Out of Focus" vor, die den Werdegang der letzten zehn Jahre reflektiert.

"2020 has been a year of both chaos and deep reflection as Crown enters our second decade as a band", erklären die Musiker. "We wanted to look back and strip down songs across all of our albums as a thank you to everyone who has been along for the journey so far. Thank you for allowing us to live our dreams and make music for the past 10 years, and many more to come. Our new acoustic album 07102010 is out now on all streaming platforms. Love you all."

In der vergangenen Dekade veröffentlichte die Band vier Studioalben als auch eine EP. Der letzte Longplayer "Sudden Sky" erschien 2019 und enthielt u.a. den Hit "Blurry (out of place)".


DANCE GAVIN DANCE – "Afterburner" ab heute physisch erhältlich / Album Release Show Stream am 17.07.

"Afterburner", das hochgelobte Album der US-Rock-Band DANCE GAVIN DANCE, ist ab heute endlich auch physisch via Rise Records erhältlich!

Um das Release entsprechend zu feiern, kündigt die Band für den 17.07. einen exklusive Album Release Show - Live Stream an, bei dem sie u.a. erstmals Songs aus "Afterburner" performen wird.

Tickets und weitere Informationen gibt es HIER

Produziert wurde der Longplayer von Kris Crummett (ISSUES, SLEEPING WITH SIRENS, MAYDAY PARADE) und Drew Fulk a.k.a. WZRD BLD (LIL WAYNE, MOTIONLESS IN WHITE, BAD WOLVES). "Afterburner" erreichte u.a. den 14. Platz der US-Billboard-Charts. In ihrer gesamten Historie kommt die Band bereits auf über 800 Millionen Streams und verkaufte über 1 Millionen Einheiten.

Akt. Videos
"Strawberry's Wake"
"Lyrics Lie"
"Three Whishes"


DAVE HAUSE – veröffentlicht Benefiz-Song "Your Ghost"

DAVE HAUSE präsentiert mit "Your Ghost" einen brandneuen Track, dessen Erlöse dem Philadelphia Community Bail Fund zugutekommen. Zu dem Song, auf dem auch Amythyst Kiah und Kam Franklin mit einem Feature beteiligt sind.

"Your Ghost", das den Mord an George Floyd thematisiert, kann unter dem folgenden Link erworben werden:

Von Seiten des Musikers heißt es:

Sitting down to write this, I’m faced with that nagging question, do songs make any difference?

It’s a privilege to write songs for a living, and I write them to try to make some sense of the chaotic world in which we live. I watched the footage of George Floyd's murder from the safety of my home, and I experienced the outrage, despair, and grief that so many of us shared. My brother Tim and I got to work on this song that week as a way to try to process what we had all collectively witnessed. We tried and initially failed to get the right tone, but as we worked at it, we learned about our blind spots on these issues and how to wrestle with them. But that nagging question again... am I just another white guy singing about someone else’s experience? Yes, I am. But could this song make a difference? Even a small one?

I remember a recent conversation I had with after getting offstage in Portland, Oregon. I was standing at the back of the club when a grizzled white guy came up and said, “Hey, I’m a retired Marine, military man my whole life. Your song, ‘Seasons Greetings From Ferguson’ changed my whole perspective on racial justice. I have been dedicating a ton of my time to understanding and trying to make things better since I heard that song.”

It was a reminder that songs can make a little difference. They’re a way to reframe, to understand, and to convey ideas that sometimes we can’t in regular conversation and debate. They can provide some comfort, they can start a conversation, maybe even prompt a new way to look at things. If they prompt even one person to consider something they had the privilege of overlooking before, then it was worth it. We all have a tremendous amount of heavy lifting to do in order for there to be equity for all in this country. We ALL need to keep pushing, keep having the hard conversations, and put ourselves in the shoes of others to try to make things right. We hope this will be part of that push.

So, here it is, “Your Ghost”. Any and all money this song makes will go to the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund (

Extra thanks to Amythyst Kiah and Kam Franklin for lending their talent to this song.

Rest In Power George. Black Lives Matter.

- Dave Hause July 3, 2020.


GRANT LEE PHILLIPS – Neue Single "Gather Up"

"Lightning, Show Us Your Stuff“ heißt das 10. Album von GRANT – LEE PHILLIPS, das am 04.09.2020 via Yep Roc / Bertus das Licht der Welt erblickt.

Mit Gather Up, stellt der Songwriter bereits die dritte Single aus dem Album vor.


Der Songwriter über den Song:

"When I was kid, I was forever being dragged off with my grandparents to some little country church,” says Phillips. "The folks were always friendly as the long cars pulled up into the gravel driveway. Everyone in their Sunday best - my grandpa in a suit, grandma in a flowered dress. Once in the pews, the mood would sometimes darken with the threat of some cataclysm. There was also music. A guttural kind of music that comes out of the mouth of an old man and an overdriven amplifier. Those things stuck with me."

Grant Lee Phillips bereits veröffentlichte Singles: 

LOWEST LOW acoustic Video stream 
STRAIGHT TO THE GROUND - Lyric Video Stream 


THOUSAND BELOW – Neues Video "171 xo"

Die Post-Hardcore Band THOUSAND BELOW präsentiert zu dem Song “171 xo“ ein neues Video: 

Video - "171 xo"

Der Song stammt aus dem im letzten Jahr auf Rise Records erschienenen Album ‘Gone In Your Wake’.

Sänger James Denberg kommentiert: "'171 xo' has been a personal favorite of ours since we finished recording Gone In Your Wake and it has grown into one of our favorite songs to play live. We talked to some length about having this song be one of the lead singles, but we ultimately felt the other three songs we chose showcased the diversity of the album better. This song is about the stage in a relationship that sometimes happens after you split up — where it seems things have finally ended once and for all, but you still occasionally see one another. It's about the hopeless phase of denial that this stage ultimately becomes in which other people have come in between you and the person you love, but you both still have feelings you are trying to suppress from one another. I wanted to capture the frustration of having someone surface back into your life as only a fraction of the part of your world they used to be, and the frustration that comes from someone you love only making you a priority when other people in their life have hurt them and they wish to feel something safe again." Want more Thousand Below? Watch the "Disassociate" video. Listen to "Chemical"


TRIXSI (LOVE A, HERRENMAGAZIN, FINDUS etc.) – Debüt-Album "Frau Gott" steigt auf Platz 83 der Album-Charts ein

TRIXSI sind mit ihrem Debüt-Album "Frau Gott“ auf Anhieb in die Top 100 der offiziellen Album-Charts eingestiegen. 

Wir gratulieren der Band und Glitterhouse Records zu Platz #83! 

Das neue Video zur Single “Trauma“ ist HIER einsehbar.

“Bisschen Keller, bisschen dreckig, bisschen Rock, ganz viel Hamburg!“ Das sagen Trixsi auf Facebook über Trixsi und es beschreibt das erste Album dieser alles andere als jungen Band ziemlich treffend. “Frau Gott“ erscheint am 26. Juni 2020 auf Glitterhouse Records und hätte jemals jemand nach der Schnittmenge aus einer Liaison zwischen Love A, Herrenmagazin, Findus und Jupiter Jones geforscht, wir wissen nicht, ob man bei diesem Sound herausgekommen wäre.

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