
Starkult Newsletter: Online Newsletter KW26

July, 2017

Newsletter KW26

Liebe Musikfreunde,

folgend findet ihr wie gewohnt unseren wöchentlichen Rundbrief, natürlich mit der Bitte um Verbreitung.

Wir wünschen ein schönes Wochenende.

Dennis & die Starkult Crew

CULTURE ABUSE - Neu bei Epitaph Records! / "So Busted": Neuer Song

CURTIS HARDING - "On And On“: Neuer Song

DOOL - Trailer zur Tour im Juli online!

GRIT - "Shreds Of Tales": Debüt-Album am 25. August!

KAISER FRANZ JOSEF - "Make Rock Great Again": Album-VÖ heute!

KAVKASIA – "Dance“: Neues Video / Album-VÖ heute!

MEMPHIS MAY FIRE - "Virus": Neues Musikvideo

THE MOVIELIFE - "Cities In Search Of A Heart": Neues Album nach 14 Jahren / "Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel": 1. Single

OFFA REX - "The Old Churchyard": Neues Video / Neues Album "The Queen Of Hearts" am 14.07.2017

OVERCOATS - #3 der Favorite New Artists of 2017 bei NPR!

SO MUCH LIGHT – Debüt-Album am 11.08. auf ANTI- Records / 1. Song

TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKET - Neues Video / Album am 14.07. auf Fat Wreck


CULTURE ABUSE - Neu bei Epitaph Records! / "So Busted": Neuer Song

Die Plattenfirma Epitaph Records verkündet das Signing mit der aus San Francisco stammenden Band CULTURE ABUSE!

Pünktlich dazu gibt es mit "So Busted" einen brandneuen Song auf die Ohren, der heute Premiere feiert:

Frontmann David Kelling erklärt: "It's a rock'n'roll love song about all the stuff you are told you need in life but when it all boils down all you really want is to feel loved and cared for."

Weitere __Informationen in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung:


Listen to a New Song “So Busted” at Noisey

Summer Tour and Festival Dates in UK/EU

Band to Play at Hyde Park with Green Day and Rancid on July 1

Epitaph Records welcomes San Francisco Bay Area-band Culture Abuse to the label. Today, Culture Abuse shares “So Busted” - a rock and roll love song about “all the stuff you are told you need in life but when it all boils down all you really want is to feel loved and cared for” front man David Kelling explains.

Formed in 2013, Culture Abuse released their debut album Peach in late 2016 on 6131 Records. Recorded with Scott Goodrich at Nu-Tone Studios, Peachis an eclectic album that sees the band lean full tilt into garage punk, throwing keyboards and even the occasional string arrangement on top of their distorted attack. This refreshingly try-anything approach to songwriting makes for an unpredictable listen that is simultaneously cohesive, a testament to Culture Abuse’s ability to wrestle disparate styles into something all their own. With their music and fun-first approach, Culture Abuse just wants to spread their message of being free, enjoying life, and sharing love.

Culture Abuse will tour the UK and EU this summer, in addition to performing at Hyde Park on July 1 with Green Day and Rancid. See all dates listed below.


Jun 29 Southhampton, UK – Joiners

Jun 30 London, UK – Old Blue Last

Jul 01 Hyde Park – UK (with Green Day, Rancid, Hives)

Aug 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands – Lowlands Festival

Aug 19 Hasselt, Belgium – Pukklepopp Festival

Aug 20 London, UK – Garage

Aug 22 Glassgow, Scotland – Stereo

Aug 24 Cardiff, Wales – The Globe

Aug 25 Leeds, UK – Leeds Festival

Aug 26 Brighton, UK – 234 Festival

Aug 27 Reading, UK – Reading Festival

*Aug 20-Aug 24 with Tigers Jaw

For more information on Culture Abuse, visit:


CURTIS HARDING - "On And On": Neuer Song

CURTIS HARDING präsentiert mit “On And On“ einen von Sam Cohen (Norah Jones, Cee Lo Green, Benjamin Booker etc.) produzierten neuen Song!

Mit seinem Debüt “Soul Power“ Anfang 2015 eroberte der talentierte Musiker aus Atlanta auf anhieb die Herzen aller Soul Fans!

Der ROLLING STONE schrieb: "Vom Backgroundsänger zur neuen Soul Hoffnung: Ein großes Debüt“, folgte mit  "Kein glatt poliertes und an gesetzteres Publikum gerichtetes Soul-Juwel, sondern ein schroffes, schwieliges Stück R&B“, die VISIONS war begeistert: “Stilvoll und ein wenig verrucht “ und auch Iggy Pop lobte Curtis in seiner Radio-Show bei BBC ("Very cool, very very current.“)

Darauf folgten ausverkaufte Shows in Berlin und Hamburg (800 Kapazitäten), Festival Auftritte ( New Fall Festival etc.), Tourneen mit u.a. Jack White (Zitat Jack White: "Eine große Inspiration für mich“) und diverse TV-Besuche (Jools Holland etc.).

Erst kürzlich nahm er zusammen mit Danger Mouse den Song “Lead On Me" für die “Resistance Radio: The Man In The High Castle Album“ Compilation auf.

“Curtis“ kommentiert den Song folgendermaßen: “I wrote “On And On” about the cosmic wave that won't let anyone or anything stop you. We all have purpose and I believe once you know yours it's harder to give up. So go "On And On.”

Harding's style was born in Michigan and bred on the road, a restless childhood spent singing Gospel alongside an evangelizing mother, then cultivated in Atlanta, where he sang backup for CeeLo Green and befriended the Black Lips (he plays with Cole Alexander in Night Sun)

“On And On” speaks volumes of talent for one of the best kept vocalists of our time. RnB-tinged soul that leaves you feeling both elated and thoughtful.

Harding's style was born in Michigan and bred on the road, a restless childhood spent singing Gospel alongside an evangelizing mother, then cultivated in Atlanta, where he sang backup for CeeLo Green and befriended the Black Lips (he plays with Cole Alexander in Night Sun)

“On And On” speaks volumes of talent for one of the best kept vocalists of our time. RnB-tinged soul that leaves you feeling both elated and thoughtful.


DOOL - Trailer zur Tour im Juli online!

Die Progressive/Hard-Rocker DOOL kommen nach den vergangenen Shows mit Me And That Man nun auf große Headline-Tour! Zur Einstimmung gibt es jetzt einen Trailer zu sehen:

Erst im Februar erschien das hochgelobte neue Album “Here Now, There Then“ (Prophecy) der Niederländer.


14.07.2017 - Erfurt, Stoned From The Underground

18.07.2017 - Düsseldorf, The Tube

19.07.2017 - Berlin, Maze

20.07.2017 - Hamburg, Marx

21.07.2017 - Osnabrück, Bastard Club

22.07.2017 - Wiesbaden, Schlachthof

25.07.2017 - Wien (A), Das Bach

26.07.2017 - Salzburg (A), Rockhouse Salzburg

27.07.2017 - Jena, F-Haus

28.07.2017 - Neuensee, Rock Im Wald

29.07.2017 - Balver Höhle, Prophecy Fest 

DOOL wurden von den wohl berüchtigsten Rockmusikern der Niederlande gegründet. Neben Sängerin und Hauptkomponistin Ryanne van Dorst (Elle Bandita) besteht Dool aus den Gitarristen Nick Polak (Gold) und Reinier Vermeulen (The New Media), Bassist Job van de Zande (The Devil's Blood) und Schlagzeuger Micha Haring (The Devil’s Blood) und avancierte aufgrund der mitreißenden Debütsingle “Oweynagat” und einer brandheißen Performance beim Roadburn-Festival 2016 rasch zu einem der größten Geheimtipps im Underground.

Weitere Informationen:


GRIT - "Shreds Of Tales": Debüt-Album am 25. August!

Das französische Quartett GRIT kündigen ihr Debüt-Album "Shreds Of Tales" (Greasy Records / Bertus)  für den 25. August 2017 an! Unter Einfluss des Rock der späten 90er / frühen 2000er, spielen GRIT wunderbaren Post-Grunge à la Incubus, Queens Of The Stone Age und Rage Against The Machine. Die Band selbst beschreibt ihr Genre gerne als "Dirt'N'Pop", welcher Fuzz-lastige Riffs mit melodischen Hooks kombiniert, der schlussendlich ihre wuchtigen Rock-Songs hervorbringt.

Einen ersten Vorboten auf "Shreds of Tales" bringt euch folgender Album-Trailer:

Das Debüt von GRIT ist ab sofort vorbestellbar.

GRIT Online:


KAISER FRANZ JOSEF - "Make Rock Great Again": Album-VÖ heute!

Das neue Album "Make Rock Great Again" (Sony) des österreichischen Hard-Rock-Trios KAISER FRANZ JOSEF erscheint heute!

Im September wird die Band dann für 4 Shows nach Deutschland kommen und die brandneuen Songs live präsentieren:

"Tour To Make Rock Great Again" - 2017

23.09.2017: München - Milla

24.09.2017: Köln - MTC

26.09.2017: Hamburg - Headcrash

27.09.2017: Berlin - Auster Club

 “Wir geben den älteren Fans, was sie von Rockmusik erwarten und der jungen Generation, was sie noch nicht kennt“, ist der Wortlaut der Band.


Weitere Informationen:

Stillgestanden, der Kaiser ist zurück! Mit dem österreichischen Trio tritt nun der neue Rock-Adel an, veraltete Traditionen mit seinem royalen Kick-Ass-Sound gründlich von der Platte zu fegen und auf moderne, frische Art zu präsentieren. Nachdem Kaiser Franz Josef kürzlich schon als gefeierter Supportact von AC/DC die Bühne in Schutt und Asche gelegt haben, knallt die zu allem entschlossene Dreiertruppe aus Wien nun nochmal eine ganze Schippe oben drauf - ganz getreu dem Motto ihres brandneuen Albums: “Make Rock Great Again“!

Das Jahr 2017: Überall auf der Welt werden die Karten neu gemischt. Was lange Zeit Gültigkeit besaß, das ist heute überholt und vergessen. Nicht nur die Vereinigten Staaten, auch die gesamte internationale Rockwelt bekommt ein neues Oberhaupt: Die stilistische Abstammung von Kaiser Franz Josef lässt sich in direkter Blutlinie auf große Formationen aus fünf Jahrzehnten Musikgeschichte zurückverfolgen: Rock `n Roll, Heavy Rock, Doom, ein wenig Stoner Rock und natürlich Grunge – namentlich Bands wie Black Sabbath, Queens Of The Stone Age, Hellacopters oder Soundgarden, deren Einflüsse die Österreicher auf “Make Rock Great Again“ zu ihrem kaiserlichen High-Energy-Mix verbinden. Handgemacht, schnörkellos und ohne Umschweife mitten ins Gesicht.

“Make Rock Great Again“ - auf den ersten Blick ein ziemlich großmäuliger Titel irgendwo zwischen Profilneurose, Größenwahn und Selbstüberschätzung, den die 2009 gegründete Formation für ihr neues Album gewählt hat. Doch Klappern beziehungsweise eine ordentliche Portion Swag gehört bekanntlich zum Handwerk, erst Recht unter Monarchen. Der große Unterschied: Sham (Gitarre, Leadvocals), Tom (Drums) und Pete (Bass) halten ihre Wahlversprechen – und lassen gemeinsam nicht nur den Kaiser wiederauferstehen, sondern mit ihm auch eine goldene Ära großer Rockmusik. Kaiser Franz Josef zählen zu einer neuen Generation von Rockbands, die zwar auf handverlesene Referenzen ihrer Idole zurückgreift, aber keinen besonderen Wert auf Wiederholungen oder nostalgische Vergangenheitsverklärung legt. Eine Einstellung, die dem Trio neben dem österreichischen “Amadeus Award“ bereits diverse TV-Auftritte, einen Slot auf dem renommierten Nova Rock Festival sowie Shows im Vorprogramm von The BossHoss, Daughtry und AC/DC vor mehr als 80.000 Zuschauern eingebracht hat. Kaiser Franz Josef liefern auf “Make Rock Great Again“ eine breite Mischung sämtlicher Spielarten des harten Rock ab und verbinden das Beste aus beiden Welten.

 “Wir geben den älteren Fans, was sie von Rockmusik erwarten und der jungen Generation, was sie noch nicht kennt“, so Frontmann/ Gitarrist Sham. “In unseren Augen herrscht heute ein Mangel an guten, authentischen Rockbands. Sehr viel von dem, was heute als so genannter Rock bezeichnet wird, hat im Grunde mit echter Rockmusik nichts zu tun. Wir fangen dort an, wo die Ära der letzten guten Rockbands damals zu Ende gegangen ist. Wir wollen den Rock wieder groß machen!“ Kaiser Franz Josef lassen die Amps glühen und haben auf “Make Rock Great Again“ die rohe Liveenergie ihrer schweißtreibenden Shows eingefangen. Statt seinen rotzigen Signaturesound in teuren Studios durch eine shiny Breitwandproduktion verwässern zu lassen, hat das Trio kurzerhand im Proberaum aufgenommen. Mit teilweise selbst gebauten Mikrophonen - Lo-Fi Dirtyness als vornehmste Kaiserpflicht. Hochglanzscheiss? Nein danke.



KAVKASIA – "Dance“: Neues Video / Album-VÖ heute!

Das neue, selbstbetitelte Album “KAVKASIA“ (Volkloren Rec. / Bertus) des Komponisten Minco Eggersman feiert heute VÖ!

Pünktlich zum Release gibt es mit “Dance“ ein weiteres Foto-Musikvideo, in dem passend zur Atmosphäre des Songs verschiedene sehenswerte Bilder eingeblendet werden.

KAVKASIA ist so ungewöhnlich, wie man es vermutet: klassische Klänge treffen auf orchestralen Post-Rock, Songwriter-Elemente und viel Interpretationsspielraum.

Quotes by the media:

OOR: ‘Whatever inhospitable path Eggersman travels, his faith and hope are never far away. Often remote from nowadays pop-music, this is probably his most impressive musical adventure as of yet. ‘A stunning album that resounds the impressive nature and beautiful nature of a country. High end sounds for the advanced, nothing less... 9/10’


'This album excels in its austerity, partly thanks to the restraint of Eggersman's own voice.'

UKVIBE: ‘Eggersman’s “Kavkasia” breathes with its very own life and passion, evocatively filling the heart with gentle contemplation, whilst refreshing the soul with a joyous, ethereal sense of belonging. The resulting music on this album is stunningly beautiful and perfectly reflects the search for beauty, fortitude and rest, deep into the Caucasian mountains. 

How often does an album come along that is just so different…in such a good way? Very rarely.  5/5’

Quotes by a few colleagues:

Ryuichi Sakamoto: ‘It’s beautiful!’

Phil Brown (engineer i.a. David Bowie, Beth Gibbons, Pink Floyd):

Great sounds – warm and beautiful – I love what you get, can’t fault it!

Mathias Eick (ECM): ‘Really nice sounds, very filmatic!

James Marsh (designer for i.a. Jamiroquai, Talk Talk and Time Magazine):

Very nice and atmospheric as always, I’m a fan.

Steve Jansen (drummer of Japan and David Sylvian):

Lovely sounds and visuals. I’ll take it all in with appreciation.

Silje Nergaard: ‘Very very beautiful…I really love it!’

Issaka Sawadogo: (The Missing/Netflix)  ‘Marveilleuse Musique!’

“The Other Side Of Dawn“

“Hidden In The Clouds“


MEMPHIS MAY FIRE - "Virus": Neues Musikvideo

Memphis May Fire are spreading a "Virus," albeit one you want to get!

The band has dropped the brand standalone new video for "Virus" and it's a taste of what's to come.

Watch the new "Virus" video.

"'Virus' is a whole new flavor of Memphis May Fire and we couldn't be more excited about it," said singer Matty Mullins. "We are always striving to grow as artists and with that comes a natural evolution of the band. We're ecstatic to share this song with our fans and to continue working towards being the best version of MMF yet!"

For more information, visit:


THE MOVIELIFE - "Cities In Search Of A Heart": Neues Album nach 14 Jahren / "Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel": 1. Single

Das New Yorker Dreiergespann THE MOVIELIFE kündigt mit "Cities In Search Of A Heart" nach 14 Jahren ein neues Album auf Rise Records an! Passend dazu gibt es mit "Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel"  die erste Single zu hören.

"It's really about how we're living in strange days,” äußert sich Frontmann Vinnie Caruana  zum neuen Song. “Compassion, mercy, and righteousness are desperately needed in order to wash away the darkness that’s tearing us apart.  Mercy done lost her mind and is driving us straight into the sun.  All we can do is hold on tight and fight for love and the human spirit.”

"Cities In Search Of A Heart" - Tracklist:

01. Ski Mask

02. Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel

03. Ghosts In The Photographs

04. Sister Saint Monica

05. Pour Two Glasses

06. Lake Superior

07. Laugh Ourselves To Death

08. Blood Moon

09. You’re The Cure

10. Hearts

Weitere Informationen in der offiziellen Pressemitteilung:






After much anticipation, celebrated New York-based band The Movielife have released “Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel,” the first single off Cities In Search Of A Heart.  This album—their first offering since 2003’s seminal Forty Hour Train Back To Penn—marks The Movielife’s triumphant return to form and is set to be released on Friday, September 22 by Rise Records.  Cities In Search Of A Heart is available now for pre-order HERE.

“Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel,” the album’s hard-charging, thought-provoking centerpiece, can be streamed online now via ROCK SOUND.

"It's really about how we're living in strange days,” frontman Vinnie Caruana says of the song. “Compassion, mercy, and righteousness are desperately needed in order to wash away the darkness that’s tearing us apart.  Mercy done lost her mind and is driving us straight into the sun.  All we can do is hold on tight and fight for love and the human spirit.”

Don’t call Cities In Search Of A Heart a comeback album because reunions rarely sound as inspired as this.  This is a record that shows how much the group’s songwriters—vocalist Caruana and guitarist Brandon Reilly—have grown since 2003’s Forty Hour Train Back To Penn, and it offers up their most inspired and energized songwriting to date.  Whether you’ve loved The Movielife since they were a scrappy Long Island hardcore band in the early 2000s or you’re a recent initiate, it’s difficult not to get caught up in the kinetic energy and lyrical honesty that permeates every note of Cities In Search Of A Heart.

The story of this record officially began two years ago when, after spending a decade on their own projects—Caruana’s I Am The Avalanche and Reilly’s Nightmare Of You—the duo started playing shows together as The Movielife again. “The two of us became close friends again and we both felt like we had learned so much about songwriting since the early 2000s that we should do another record together,” Caruana recalls, speaking from his home in Brooklyn. “We had a great reaction to our reunion shows in 2014 but felt that instead of keeping it on a purely nostalgic level we wanted to write a record together that people could get into today.” Not wanting to taint the band’s legacy or recycle the past, the duo were faced with the monumental task of figuring out exactly who The Movielife are now, which was no easy task.

Caruana and Reilly initially struggled with writing the record until last year when they had the realization that they simply needed to make a new album that captured the punk spark that had been so prevalent in all of their previous releases. “I knew the tempos had to be up and we had to be energetic because that’s what our shows are like and that element is so important to who we are as a band,” Caruana explains. “I have to admit that the task of making this record seemed slightly impossible in the beginning but I’m so happy that we pushed ourselves so hard because we ended up making a Movielife record that we’re freaking out about and can’t wait to share with the world,” he adds.

Caruana has good reason to be excited. From the driving, melodic rocker “Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel” to the fuzzed-out pop perfection of “Laugh Ourselves To Death” and the orchestrally-tinged acoustic ballad “Pour Two Glasses,” the album shows that The Movielife have crafted a collection of songs that’s as captivating as it is catchy. Lyrically, the album sees Caruana once again writing from the heart, about where he is in his life today and about the current state of the world. “The dichotomy of The Movielife has always been upbeat music combined with sometimes unsettling lyrics and on this record that dark cloud is being addressed throughout the record in different ways,” Caruana says of the album. While lines like “We’re all gonna die, exploding in a ball of fire” from “Laugh Ourselves To Death” may sound nihilistic, it’s more of a reaction to the uncertainty that plagues the world today as interpreted through the band’s unique approach to songwriting. On the flip side, Cities In Search Of A Heart features some of the band’s most hopeful songs to date, keeping the album’s overall sound feel far more inspiring than defeatist.

But ultimately Cities In Search Of A Heart is meant to be listened to, not analyzed, so turn it up because rebirths usually aren’t this catchy. “Calling on the hearts, wear it on the sleeve for all to see,” Caruana sings during the album’s infectious closer “Hearts” and with these words it’s clear that he’s singing as much for himself as he is for the band’s listeners who may not have found their own voices quite yet. This album speaks to those very simple yet relatable attributes of what it means to be human during an unprecedented time in human history, so take it all in and hold on tight.

The Movielife will be on tour supporting Cities In Search Of A Heart during 2017 and well through 2018. Dates and details on all upcoming performances to be announced soon.

Cities In Search Of A Heart track listing:

01. Ski Mask

02. Mercy Is Asleep At The Wheel

03. Ghosts In The Photographs

04. Sister Saint Monica

05. Pour Two Glasses

06. Lake Superior

07. Laugh Ourselves To Death

08. Blood Moon

09. You’re The Cure

10. Hearts


OFFA REX - "The Old Churchyard": Neues Video / Neues Album "The Queen Of Hearts" am 14.07.2017

Offa Rex, the new project from English singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Olivia Chaney and The Decemberists, has shared its take on "The Old Churchyard," from its debut album, The Queen of Hearts, due July 14 on Nonesuch Records. You can watch a studio performance video of the track, which premiered on Lenny this morning.

The album is "a love letter to British folk music and an experiment in bridging musical sensibilities and finding common ground in the shared histories recounted in these classic songs," writes Lenny's Laia Garcia in an interview with Olivia Chaney premiering the new video. "The record is an excellent introduction to the genre, with Olivia and Colin Meloy, the Decemberists' lead singer and guitarist, selecting and arranging songs that capture the spirit of the originals while putting their own modern spin on them." You can read what Chaney has to say at

"The Old Churchyard" is available to download now with pre-orders of The Queen of Hearts on iTunes and the Nonesuch Store, along with the previously released title track and "Blackleg Miner," which you can hear at Nonesuch Store pre-orders also include an exclusive print.

Produced and recorded by Tucker Martine (Modest Mouse, My Morning Jacket, Neko Case) and Colin Meloy at Martine’s studio in Portland, OR, The Queen of Hearts draws largely on traditional English-Irish-Scottish repertoire to create a transatlantic musical conversation that flirts with psychedelia and folk rock while maintaining its own inimitable identity.

Offa Rex will tour this summer, including performances at the Newport Folk Festival, Town Hall in New York, and at The Aladdin in Portland. They will also be performing at Travelers' Rest, The Decemberists' two-day curated festival in Missoula, MT, on August 12. Additionally, Olivia Chaney will support The Decemberists during their August tour, during which she will join the band on stage to perform songs from The Queen of Hearts. Chaney will also do a few solo shows around these dates. Complete list of shows are below.


OVERCOATS - #3 der Favorite New Artists of 2017 bei NPR!

Hana Elion and JJ Mitchell aus New York formen das aufstrebende Pop-Duo OVERCOATS!  Das von Nicolas Vernhes (The War On Drugs, Dirty Projectors) produzierte Debüt ”Young“ erschien Ende April auf Arts & Crafts.

NPR veröffentlichte nun eine Liste mit ihren Favorite Artists Of 2017 (so far), auf der OVERCOATS auf Platz #3 gelandet sind!

Erst kürzlich veröffentlichten die New Yorker eine tolle, halbstündige AudioTree Live-Session inkl. Interview.


SO MUCH LIGHT – Debüt-Album am 11.08. auf ANTI- Records / 1. Song

Der Wave-Pop/Songwriter So Much Light (aka Damien Verrett) veröffentlicht am 11.08. sein Debüt-Album “'Oh, Yuck“ auf ANTI- Records.
Das Video zur ersten Single “Be Afraid“ ist hier zu sehen:

Weitere Infos lesen sich wie folgt:

So Much Light has released a track entitled “Be Afraid,” featuring Chicago artist Nnamdi Ogbonnaya. According to Verrett, “’Be Afraid’ is about Trump and the blind faith of his staunchest supporters. Despite telling them, ‘I’m a monster, be afraid’ the crowd cheers on.”

The video depicts a doll who is brought to life. As he becomes more animated, he revels in his new humanity, until he is forced to confront the turmoil that comes with it.

Watch the music video for “Be Afraid” here.

In a small suburban bedroom, So Much Light was born, an amalgam of man and character, story and history, natural and manipulated. Using his voice as a tool for progress, Verrett effectively pushes the boundaries of what pop music should sound like--and what it should say. Combining Drake’s vulnerability, the vocal affectation of The Weeknd and Jack Antonoff’s musical production prowess, Verrett created a socially conscious full-length debut, Oh, Yuck.

Utilizing both acoustic and electronic sounds, Oh, Yuck is wrought with textural soundscapes grounded by programmed orchestral compositions, sprightly guitar lines and thrashing drums. Lyrically, Verrett puts traditional R&B tropes in a funhouse mirror and warps the genre’s bravado into a parody of itself.

Oh, Yuck Track Listing

1.       New Game                                      

2.       Little Fanfare

3.       Full Body Mirror

4.       Love That Never Fades

5.       Stomping Ground

6.       Be Afraid

7.       Idiot Soul

8.       Artificial Sweeteners

9.       Summoner

10.   Deep Down

11.   Ultra Sunrise

12.   Flagship

13.   Game Over

14.   Let It Absorb You


TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKET - Neues Video / Album am 14.07. auf Fat Wreck

Wie bereits berichtet sind TEENAGE BOTTLEROCKET wieder zu Fat zurückgekehrt und veröffentlichen am 14.07. mit "Stealing the Covers“ ein neues Studioalbum, mit sehr speziellen Coverversonen von unbekannteren Bands.

“Stealing The Cover“ - TRAILER -

Zu dem letzten Track des Albums "Why the Big Pause" (Original von The Punchlines) hat das Quartett nun ein kurzweiliges Video veröffentlicht.

Bassist Miguel Chen kommentiert den Video-Dreh folgendermaßen:

“The Punchlines from Minneapolis are fronted by our buddy Chris Johnson,” Chen explained. “He used to live above Matt’s Bar, home of the Jucy Lucy (if it’s spelled right, it’s wrong). It’s this burger stuffed with a boiling hot liquid cheese core. You have to wait to take a bite or you’re gonna burn the shit out of yourself. He said two to three times a week the ambulance would show up, because someone did just that. Ray called me one day to talk about shooting a video… ‘I found a bear suit on Amazon,’ he said. Duh. The video wrote itself. We headed to the Buckhorn Bar at 1 PM and started drinking. Fat offered to pay our tab, but the bar was so stoked we were filming there they paid for all our drinks. I think Chewka was in the bear costume, but I can’t remember. At some point  filming ended, so Kody and I kept stumbling around Laramie drinking. My wife picked us up and said I was asleep trying to eat pizza.”

Weitere Informationen:


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