
XIU XIU - OH NO, neues Album am 26.03. erste Single feat. Liz Harris ab sofort online

Jamie Stewart über den Song: “I had been trying to write a song on this bajo quinto to no avail and then drunkenly (A Bottle of Rum) listened to Liz's song, “Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping.” A spark shone and feebly I tried to write something that, at least at first, sounded like it. I had asked Liz Harris, who is an old friend, if she would sing on this new record of duets. Initially I thought of her for another song but she specifically, although not knowing she had been the inspiration behind it in the first place, asked to be on this one. If the stars ever have aligned... well then.”
OH NO, das neueste Album der Gruppe (26.03. Polyvinyl Rec/Rough Trade) ist ein Duettalbum, bei dem Stewart mit einer Reihe von Gästen im Rampenlicht steht, die ihn persönlich und musikalisch beeinflusst haben. U.a. mit CHELSEA WOLFE, SHARON VAN ETTEN, ALICE BAG, OWEN PALLETT, TWIN SHADOW, HALEY FOHR of CIRCUIT DES YEUX + members of DEERHOOF, DRAB MAJESTY, LIARS, SHEARWATER 
Dem Songwriting ging eine lange Selbstfindungsphase von Stewart voraus, in der er sich, sein Denken, Schaffen und dem Umgang mit anderen neu erfinden musste. Natürlich spiegelt sich das auch stark in den Texten wider.

Stewart dazu: “The guest stars of OH NO reflect the types of people, and many of the very same, who helped remind me that the ratio of beautiful humans to shitty humans is more like 60/40 rather than what I have always assumed was 1/99.Although there is an ‘I HATE PEOPLE’ pin on my guitar strap, I hate them less now.”
